There has been an increase in gun crime in our country of ours in the UK since the left politicians has put a ban on guns. Is our communities safe? Can we walk down the streets at night without fear of getting mugged, shot at, stabbed, raped?
Since there has been a ban on guns, there has been an increase in gun crime. Why is there a ban on guns? Because of ONE mad lunatic gunman (Micheal Ryan) back in the 80s going on a killing spree. He went on a killing spree with a rifle and a handgun.
Since then, the gun ban was enforced. They disarmed the MAJORITY of the law abiding community because of ONE mad man going off on a killing spree
So lets take a look and see if the ban on gun has really worked. Lets take a few steps back and see how clever the politicians have been.
The picture is pretty clear. Gun crime has almost doubled since the ban was enforced. Who has obtained these weapons through the black market? Gangs and hoodlums in big areas into this gangsta ghetto bullshit, drug dealers, MADMEN!, etc.....
Take a look at the graph already if you havn't seen it. Although it does need to be updated, you can clearly see it has increased. Hey. The government did the figures (The very same people who has banned guns) and yet regardless of the statistics, they still enforce the ban on guns.
So the question arises. Has gun control really worked to help our communities be safer? Has a ban stopped a madman from going on a killing spree? Ummm no! It didn't stop a cab driver from driving in his caddie opening fire on 12 people and injuring 25 others. It doesn't stop the gangs in London, Manchester and the other big cities from carrying guns, mugging someone, shooting each other etc.
Since that horrific day has happen, there are talks and rumors of enforce the ban even more (Despite the fact that in the UK, we have the strictious gun laws in the world). Thats right, you protect us even more by disarming us even more. Oh and while you are at it, please make defending yourself illegal so I can feel a little safer when I walk down the streets.