Thunderf00t doesn't really have a reputation of looking for sympathy and pity from his own subscribers but.....
This video is epic fail!
This video is also epic fail!
Remember the time folks when coughlan lost his shit with Fakesagan and TheAmazingAtheist? Remember when he cried on camera folks? He says he jokes about it every now and again but it wasn't the case when i made a musical pwnage about his breakdown! awww! He needs a hug!
Remember another epic fail from Coughlan when he whined about being DMCAed and receiving death threats when he made videos about Pat Condell? When he received death threats from butthurt coughlan fans? When he reads out the comments from condell fans calling him 'drug addict', 'some junkie piece of shit?' Aww coughlan needs hugz!!!
Remember when he made a video about me bitching about me making a video about him? And remember when coughlan totally lost his shit on blogtv and asked me to come and explain my actions to him? That was a fucking laugh! He was just my little jester that day. My foolish angry little clown amusing me every minute! But please folks. Be nice to coughlan. He needs hugz! And also he was dumb enough to bet me a $1000 if I can prove that he called pat condell a racist! Here's the video below!
Now back to thunderf00t.....
Thunderf00t. You are part of this group called 'The League of Reason' or 'Radio Reason' as you and your executive VIP members renamed but you have one time failed to show any reasoning power towards Coughlan and you called him a childish emo whore. Tsk tsk.....
Then you go off and act like a childish emo whore yourself. Seriously thuunderf00t. You are going downhill. Coming down to the same level as Coughlan616 and you are losing respect in the Youtube community...
I very much doubt both YouTube bitches would pay attention to this blogspot article since I am an 'infamous' troll. It is a reputation I cannot shake off so who am I kidding? Writing blogspot articles about the ongoings of YouTube is as serious as I can get nowadays......
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Friday, 3 September 2010
"Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" DEBUNKED
I've been meaning to get back to this for a long while since Vogturd2100 decided to paint me with the same brush he has been painting with on people who are actual racists and bigots....
Remember the old danish proverb people.....
"Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are"
It is the most dumbest proverb anyone can make up. Why? I'll explain why....
Because I believe that proverb is used to justify one's judgement of character. It is also used to justify one's bigoted opinions and it can also be used by racists and bigots to justify their judgement of character, thier hatred and thier discriminative views on people who don't share thier racist views. It is also used to generalise groups of people. And people on YouTube don't take kindly to generalisation.....
For example:-
Say I was friends with people who are homosexual. And someone labels me as a gay person because he sees my friends who are homosexual using the old Danish proverb to justify his judgement of character towards me and suppose a group of hateful homophobes use the same assumption and the good old danish proverb. And they attack me in the street because of some Danish cunt saying the stupid proverb over and over again just so HE can justify his judgement of character.
Wonder why I was attacked? Because they judged me by looking at my friends and using the Danish proverb and made an assumption that I am a homosexual. And earning their names of being homophobes by attacking homosexuals, they attack me. And here I am lying in a hospital bed, cuts and bruises, I leave hospitals and I get harrased by the same group of people and they tell me to not contact the people they hate and to stop being friends with them. So they are intimidaiting me to cast them out of my life because they believe THIER judgement of character is right! hmmm sounds familiar Vogturd.....
Lets use the same assumptions and the danish proverb on Vogturd2100.....
I noticed he has friends who are fans of Coughlan. Soaccording to the Danish proverb, he is a coughlan fan.
But vogturd doesn't seem to like me along with other coughlan fans who doesn't like me because I made videos about coughlan and even made a musical song about coughlan. But by using the danish proverb and looking at the butthurt coughlan fanbois he is friends with, I'm assuming that Vogturd2100 is a butthurt coughlan fanboy too.
Most of the time, the proverb works on all sorts of people. Apart from Vogturd2100.....
Not nice being painted with a wide brush and labeled by judgemental, highly opinionated dickheads like you is it? And it is certainly not nice when racists and homophobes use the proverb to justify thier hate and thier attacks on people who makes friends with people they hate....
Remember the old danish proverb people.....
"Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are"
It is the most dumbest proverb anyone can make up. Why? I'll explain why....
Because I believe that proverb is used to justify one's judgement of character. It is also used to justify one's bigoted opinions and it can also be used by racists and bigots to justify their judgement of character, thier hatred and thier discriminative views on people who don't share thier racist views. It is also used to generalise groups of people. And people on YouTube don't take kindly to generalisation.....
For example:-
Say I was friends with people who are homosexual. And someone labels me as a gay person because he sees my friends who are homosexual using the old Danish proverb to justify his judgement of character towards me and suppose a group of hateful homophobes use the same assumption and the good old danish proverb. And they attack me in the street because of some Danish cunt saying the stupid proverb over and over again just so HE can justify his judgement of character.
Wonder why I was attacked? Because they judged me by looking at my friends and using the Danish proverb and made an assumption that I am a homosexual. And earning their names of being homophobes by attacking homosexuals, they attack me. And here I am lying in a hospital bed, cuts and bruises, I leave hospitals and I get harrased by the same group of people and they tell me to not contact the people they hate and to stop being friends with them. So they are intimidaiting me to cast them out of my life because they believe THIER judgement of character is right! hmmm sounds familiar Vogturd.....
Lets use the same assumptions and the danish proverb on Vogturd2100.....
I noticed he has friends who are fans of Coughlan. Soaccording to the Danish proverb, he is a coughlan fan.
But vogturd doesn't seem to like me along with other coughlan fans who doesn't like me because I made videos about coughlan and even made a musical song about coughlan. But by using the danish proverb and looking at the butthurt coughlan fanbois he is friends with, I'm assuming that Vogturd2100 is a butthurt coughlan fanboy too.
Most of the time, the proverb works on all sorts of people. Apart from Vogturd2100.....
Not nice being painted with a wide brush and labeled by judgemental, highly opinionated dickheads like you is it? And it is certainly not nice when racists and homophobes use the proverb to justify thier hate and thier attacks on people who makes friends with people they hate....
Brett Keane (MrEvilution777) complains about 'censorship'

"Will CoughChrist & Crew try to destroy my account? - What about freedom of speech?"
We know how touchy Brett Keane is when it comes to being confronted with the false dmcas he has filed against people. He blocks you and deletes your comment. Only when I made a comment on this video that he put up pointing out that he has ther nerve to complain about being censored when he censors people himself and expressing my disgust to the man, he deleted the video then he blocked me. Funnily enough, it wasdone a few minutes after I placed the comment. Is he paranoid or something? Does he glue himself to his PC monitoring the comments being placed on his videos.
Him deleting the video and blocking me clearly proves to me that he is guilty of commiting purjury and lying to federal law which is serious business....AND HE KNOWS IT...
Brett, you have got a lot of nerve complaining about you being shut down. You've done that kind of shit in the past and it makes me sick to the stomach that you are playing the victim card of censorship. How 8000 of your subscribers don't know about you filing false DMCAs, I will never know but you must have filed a hell of a lot of false DMCAs to cover your ass......
I hope this brett keane character doesn't file DMCAs against people who are recently ripping him apart. Espacially ediblenapalm....
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