"Will CoughChrist & Crew try to destroy my account? - What about freedom of speech?"
We know how touchy Brett Keane is when it comes to being confronted with the false dmcas he has filed against people. He blocks you and deletes your comment. Only when I made a comment on this video that he put up pointing out that he has ther nerve to complain about being censored when he censors people himself and expressing my disgust to the man, he deleted the video then he blocked me. Funnily enough, it wasdone a few minutes after I placed the comment. Is he paranoid or something? Does he glue himself to his PC monitoring the comments being placed on his videos.
Him deleting the video and blocking me clearly proves to me that he is guilty of commiting purjury and lying to federal law which is serious business....AND HE KNOWS IT...
Brett, you have got a lot of nerve complaining about you being shut down. You've done that kind of shit in the past and it makes me sick to the stomach that you are playing the victim card of censorship. How 8000 of your subscribers don't know about you filing false DMCAs, I will never know but you must have filed a hell of a lot of false DMCAs to cover your ass......
I hope this brett keane character doesn't file DMCAs against people who are recently ripping him apart. Espacially ediblenapalm....
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