Tuesday, 24 August 2010

"It's only youtube"

In the early days of YouTube, YouTube used to be a fun site where we posted videos of ourselves jumping on trampolines, injuring themselves, mixing diet coke with mentos etc.

I looked at MoonlitKnight81's recent video, here it is below

I watched it at the very end and it got me thinking.....

"What am I doing? Is it really worth being on YouTube? What is it about nowadays?"

What do I think of youtube? My thought that nowadays, it is a battle ground. A battle ground of every seperate group quarreling with each other just because we either disagree with each other or we are friends with people we don't like. It is also a racetrack consisting of people racing thier quick way to becoming famous and racing thier way of earning money with thier 'revenue sharing'....

Vogter2100 is a good example. He blasted me for making friends with people he don't like. He got this thought in his head that if I side with the people he hate then I am one of them to him. Pathetic. I've done fuck all to him. I never did anything to him. I thought he was a cool guy until I found out what a controlling manipulating cunt that he is trying to control my fucking life. Before anyone says that 'he was only offering you advice soprano....' he started acting like an asshole towards me first by placing a comment on my channel saying "Wonder if you can guess why I blocked you" when he could have said something totally different and not act like an asshole towards me.

Coughlan616 is another good example. I was the most hated person on YouTube. Just because I made one pwnage video about him, everybody who follows the shit-stained idiot who thinks he is funny but cannot get a fucking TV show, a radio show or someone to represent him, goes on a panic and grab thier torches and pitchforks. Coughlan went haywall! It was hilarious! He nearly died of a stroke! I saw a transformation. from a cocky little shit who calls peoples names and try and ridicule the other guy and make him look like an idiot to a angry little boy who got ridiculed, got called names, tasting his own medicine and making himself look like an idiot!

He is another person who never considered me as a friend but more of a aquaintance but saw me as someone who stabbed him in the back and 'betrayed' his friendship. lol! Another asshole who never fucking bother to know me but sees me as a traitor!

They only want to acknowledge my friendship with them only if they want to expose me as a backstabbing little bastard when I do things against thier will just so you won't bother tohear my side of the story, why I do things against thier will

The way I see it nowadays, YouTube consists of fucking arrogant morons with high opinions of themselves who think that thier opinion matters because of thier high subscriber count. People are sucking each other's cocks for high subscriber counts for thier own gain. Let's face it people! Your youtuber idols who you follow and like so much don't give a shit about you. The only time they give a shit about you is when you make a video about them taking the piss out of them, taking the piss out of someone they don't like, making friends with someone they don't like and disagreeing with something they are saying.....

These kinds of people are extremly clingy on youtube:-

Vogter who thinks fighting the 'good fight' is responding angrily to trolls who call him a peadophile and slagging him off and wasting his time fighting 'his good fight' instead of the 'real good fight'.

Coughlan who gets upset at the slightest bit of resistance from people who are critiscising him, trolling him, etc and cries like a bitch.

As MoonlitKnight81 said. "It's only youtube". And he is right. Get over yourselves. You're nothing special. You're a regular person. If you immediately have a hgih opinion of yourselves and think to yourselves that you are special and think that you are better than everyone around you JUST because YOU have a high subscriber count, then you are an arrogant douchebag.

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